Community conduct

Community conduct

Our community is what sets Jack'd apart, and we’re proud to have cultivated a fun and inclusive space where all of our members around the globe can freely and authentically be themselves. As the biggest LGBTQ-owned and operated dating app, we don’t just build the app, we’re users too, and we’re deeply committed to keeping Jack'd a friendly and safe place for everyone.

To that end, we reserve the right to remove profiles at any time if they’re not in keeping with the community conduct guidelines below. For all the specifics of what’s allowed in profile photos and text, please read through our Profile Guidelines. Our Terms of Service cover this in even greater detail.

We have a zero-tolerance policy toward content that promotes or condones violence, hate, or discrimination based on things like race, ethnicity, disability, age, gender identity, HIV status, nationality, or religion.

Behavior that is bullying, shaming, abusive, harassing, trolling, attacking or aggressive is strictly prohibited on SCRUFF.

We don’t tolerate fake accounts, so please don’t pretend to be anyone else, including celebrities. If you believe someone is impersonating you or someone you know, report the profile so we can investigate.

If you don't own the rights to a photo or illustration, please don't include it in your profile.

Discussion or promotion of drug dealing, fraud, illegal sexual acts, threats, photos of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia, or anything else that’s against the law is not allowed on SCRUFF. If it’s illegal offline, please don’t do it here.

Advertising, selling, and other promotions aren’t allowed on SCRUFF. This includes sexual services such as escorts and massage.

If you have an event to promote, we definitely want to hear about it—just not on your profile. Please visit to get yours listed.

Sending messages or creating accounts for the purpose of driving members to a business or external site isn’t allowed.

Don’t request (or share your own) personal financial information such as PayPal, Venmo, Amazon wishlists, etc. for the purpose of receiving money or goods from other SCRUFF users.


We are a community rooted in inclusivity, and we expect all of our members to respect each other’s different backgrounds, lived experiences, opinions, and beliefs, and to treat others as they’d like to be treated.

  1. If you encounter someone who’s violating the guidelines above, you can report them by tapping the Report icon in the top right corner of their profile and selecting Report. Our team will review the profile and take appropriate action. You can learn more about reporting profiles here.
  2. If you encounter someone who has upset you but not necessarily broken any rules, we suggest tapping the Report icon in the top right corner of their profile and selecting Block. You and the other member will no longer see each other in the grid or be able to communicate with each other. You can learn more about blocking profiles here.

For all the specifics of what’s allowed in profile photos and text, please read through our Profile Guidelines. Our Terms of Service cover all of this in even greater detail.

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