Cruised (Looks + Waves)

Cruised (Looks + Waves)

Tapping the Wave  button on a profile is a quick way to indicate interest without sending a message. The Waves you have received from other members can be found in the Cruised  grid.

Cruised grids

Waves See members that have recently waved at you
Looks See members that have checked out your profile

View Waves + Looks

  1. Tap the Cruised  icon in the bottom navigation bar, then tap Waves or Looks to switch grid views. 
  2. Use our powerful sort options by tapping Date, Distance**, or Last Online** in the bottom navigation bar. This will re-group your member information for easy viewing.

To quickly send a Wave without confirmation, briefly tap and hold the Wave  button. 

Jack'd Free Profiles can view the most recent 15 Waves and 45 Looks.


Jack'd Pro Enhancements

  • Looks + Waves: Jack'd Pro members can see a list of up to 1,000 profiles
  • Grid Sorting: Sort by Distance or Last Online from the default sort of Date
  • Browse profiles in Stealth mode. This allows you to view a profile without your profile appearing in the other member’s Viewers grid

**Grid sort options are only available to Jack'd Pro subscribers. 

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