GPS location issues (iOS)

GPS location issues (iOS)

Your iOS device* determines and provides your location to Jack'd based on a combination of the following:


GPS Satellite

Very accurate, but works only outdoors and can take between several seconds to several minutes to establish a fix

Cell Tower

Fast; works anywhere you have a cell signal; but accuracy is highly variable depending on signal strength and interference, distance from cell towers, obstacles, and the total number of cell towers in range of your phone

WiFi Base Station Location

Fast; requires a WiFi connection; often inaccurate


If your location as reported by Jack'd is occasionally inaccurate within a half mile (under ~1km)--especially while indoors and/or in hilly and/or urban areas--please consider the information above.


If you are receiving a location error, or if your location in Jack'd is consistently inaccurate, or reports that you are more than a half mile (or ~1km) away from where you are, please try the following:

  • Confirm Location Services are on and Jack'd has access to Location Services. Click here for additional details.
  • In Jack'd, use the Test GPS feature (Settings > Test GPS) to pull up a map of where your device reports you are located 
  • If the location reported by Test GPS is inaccurate, you can try forcing a refresh of Location Services on your device
    1. From your home screen, navigate to iOS Settings > Privacy > Location Services.
    2. Toggle OFF the master switch for Location Services.
    3. Restart (power off, power on) your iOS Device.
    4. Navigate to iOS Settings > Privacy > Location Services.
    5. Toggle ON the master switch for Location Services.
    6. Scroll down the list of Location Service-enabled apps and confirm that While Using the App is checked and Precise Location (iOS 14) is toggled 'On'.
    7. Launch Jack'd.
    8. In Jack'd, navigate to Settings > Test GPS to see if your location has been updated.
  • If your location is still inaccurate, open the Maps app on your device. If Maps is not reporting the correct location, you may not have enabled precise location or there may be an issue with your GPS hardware on your device
  • If your iOS device is WiFi-only (such as a WiFi-only iPad), the location of your WiFi access point may not be in Apple's location database. To add your WiFi access point to Apple's location database, please follow the instructions here: (NOTE: Adding your WiFi access point to this database takes several days to take effect and will require a device reboot.)
  • If you have further questions or concerns about location in Jack'd, please submit a support request in-app or below. Be sure to note in your ticket that you have already tried restarting Location Services (as this will be the first thing we ask you :-)
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