Jack'd Match / Singles

Jack'd Match / Singles

Your profile must have a clear face pic to be eligible to use Jack'd Match.

You can view your Matches anytime by selecting the Matches icon tabbar_match_red.svg in the upper right corner of the Jack'd Match screen.

Blocking works the same in Jack'd Match as it does in Jack'd. If you block a profile, it will not be presented in your match stack and your profile will not be presented in his match stack.

All member ratings expire automatically 2 years after the initial rating. Once a rating expires, the selection will no longer be indicated on the member's profile, and any mutual match will no longer be listed in Jack'd Match.

For example, if you recently matched with a member who rated your profile almost 2 years ago, your mutual match would be removed as soon as the initial rating has reached 2 years.

To disable customized recommendations for Discover and Match:

  1. Tap the Settings icon on the top of your screen.
  2. Tap Privacy Settings.
  3. Scroll down to the section labeled Discover.
  4. Toggle the option for Customized to ON.

Customized recommendations will not be shown viewing or refreshing your Discover feed and Match stacks.

Your profile will not appear in Jack'd Match if it is offline.

To go online:

  1. Tap the Settings icon on the top of your screen.
  2. Tap Go Online.
  3. Confirm by tapping Go Online.


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