Profile Hashtags

Profile Hashtags

Use hashtags to show off your interests or what you’re looking for, and click a hashtag to quickly discover others who are into the same things.

  • To add hashtags, go to the profile editor and tap the Hashtags field. Search for popular hashtags or add your own. Add up to 10 hashtags to your profile.
  • To delete hashtags, go to the profile editor and tap the Hashtags field. Tap the (x) on any hashtag you wish to delete.

Hashtags are subject to the same guidelines as the rest of your profile, and the following language is strictly prohibited.




  • No profanity or curse words, including abbreviations, masking and fill-ins.
  • No text meant to threaten, intimidate, harass, defame, or insult another person.
  • No text that incites racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind.


  • No advertising of services, goods, events, websites, or apps.
  • No advertising massage or escort services.
  • No phone numbers or social media handles.


  • No mention of illegal drugs or text referring to sex while on drugs (e.g. "partying").


We are a community rooted in inclusivity, and we expect all of our members to respect each other’s different backgrounds, lived experiences, opinions, and beliefs, and to treat others as they’d like to be treated.

If you encounter someone who’s violating the guidelines above, you can report them by tapping the report button in the top right corner of their profile and selecting Report. Our team will review the profile and take appropriate action. You can learn more about reporting profiles here.

For all the specifics of what’s allowed in profile photos and text, please read through our Profile Guidelines. Our Terms of Service cover all of this in even greater detail.


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